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FACE UP ROLLER 2 in 1 (Rampingkan Pipi Tembem)

FACE UP ROLLER 2 in 1 (Rampingkan Pipi Tembem)

Menghilangkan lemak sekaligus dengan aksi ganda dapat melangsingkan dagu, pipi & wajah.

Membantu sirkulasi darah dan membakar lemak. Cukup gunakan selama 10 hingga 15 menit per hari dan ucapkan selamat tinggal pada wajah gemuk dan dagu ganda.

Info Lebih Lanjut Silakan Klik Disini :

Untuk Pemesanan Silakan Hubungi :
0878 8585 6222/ BBM : 29492201


Requirements:SPA THERAPIST

Maximum Age 30 Years

Other Information:
Kontrak kerja di Hotel Bintang 4 dan 5 serta Day Spa terkenal di : Malaysia, china, Palau, Cheko, Qatar, Oman, Uni Emirat Arab, saudi arabia, Hungaria, dll. Menjadi seorang Spa therapist adalah tenaga ahli yang di kontrak sebagai tenaga expatriate, kedudukannya sama seperti Kita mendatangkan tenaga asing dari luar negeri.
Fasilitas yang di dapatkan :

– Gaji Pokok USD 500 – USD 750/bulan, Komisi 3% – 10% per treatment, Overtime, Tips dari guest. rata- rata penghasilan Rp. 10.000.000 – Rp. 15.000.000/bulan( Gaji, Komisi, lembur, Tips)

– Akomodasi, Transportasi, Tiket pp, Visa kerja, Asuransi dan Bonus.

– Karir Spa Therapist : Spa Therapist, Supervisor Spa , Assiten Spa Manager dan Spa Manager. Apabila tidak ingin meniti karir maka bisa menjadi Spa Owner( Pemilik Spa) dengan Pengetahuan serta pengalaman keKontrak kerja di Hotel Bintang 4 dan 5 serta Day Spa terkenal di : Malaysia, china, Palau, Cheko, Qatar, Oman, Uni Emirat Arab, saudi arabia, Hungaria, dll. Menjadi seorang Spa therapist adalah tenaga ahli yang di kontrak sebagai tenaga expatriate, kedudukannya sama seperti Kita mendatangkan tenaga asing dari luar negeri.
Fasilitas yang di dapatkan :

– Gaji Pokok USD 500 – USD 750/bulan, Komisi 3% – 10% per treatment, Overtime, Tips dari guest. rata- rata penghasilan Rp. 10.000.000 – Rp. 15.000.000/bulan( Gaji, Komisi, lembur, Tips)

– Akomodasi, Transportasi, Tiket pp, Visa kerja, Asuransi dan Bonus.

– Karir Spa Therapist : Spa Therapist, Supervisor Spa , Assiten Spa Manager dan Spa Manager. Apabila tidak ingin meniti karir maka bisa menjadi Spa Owner( Pemilik Spa) dengan Pengetahuan serta pengalaman kerja yang sudah di dapat di luar negeri.

Pendidikan Spa di tempuh selama 3 bulan meliputi : Aromatherapy footbath, Tradisional javanese Massage, Body Scrub, Body mask, Body Polish, Balinese Massage, Bali Boreh, Hotstone Massage, Reflexology, Facial, Manicure, Pedicure, Luxury bath ( Herbal Bath/Flower Bath,/ Milk Bath/tea bath), Spa theory, Human anatomy, Profesional etiquete, English Class, Products knowlewdge dll

Hanya dengan Dp. Rp. 5.000.000 sudah mendapatkan Jaminan bekerja di Hotel bintang 5 sebagai tenaga Spa Therapist. SPP di angsur selama 9 bulan setelah bekerja di luar negeri.

Fasilitas yang didapatkan dari sekolah : Certificate, Medical, paspor,SkCk Mabes polri yang sudah dilegalisasi DepHam dan deplu, Pengurusan Visa, Pengantaran ke Embassy ( Cheko), Pengantaran pemberangkatan ( Indonesian airport) , Bagi yang tempat tinggal diluar kota Malang di sediakan Mess Gratis, dll.

Bergabunglah dengan kami :

THE GOLDENGATE TOURISM ACADEMY, Perumahan Sukun Pondok Indah Blok H3 Malang 65148, Jawa Timur, Telp : 0341-802800/087859864308, WA : 082232929989, Pin BB : 73E8F368, FB : goldengate_tourismacademy@yahoo.com.

Mount Rinjani Trekking Package Information

Mount Rinjani Trekking Package, Information Mount Rinjani National Park and all related trekking activities, provided trekking packages with complete facilities, reasonable prices and supported by professional and experienced the Local Senaru Trekking organizer, guides and porters.
On the top of the volcano is a 6-by-8.5-kilometre (3.7 by 5.3 mi) caldera, which is filled partially by the crater lake known as Segara Anak or Anak Laut (Child of the Sea) due to blue color of water lake as Laut (Sea). This lake is approximately 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level and estimated to be about 200 metres (660 ft) deep; the caldera also contains hot springs. Sasak tribe and Hindu people assume the lake and the mount are sacred and some religion activities are occasionally done in the two areas.
rinjani trekking package
The lower and middle elevation slopes are densely forested with typical tropical species, including species which occupy the Wallacea transitional region between the SE Asian and Australasian flora. Fig trees are especially apparent in the lower forests, as are the giant Syzigium Jambu, with the gnarled and epiphyte-hung Engelhardia Bak Bakan becoming prominent in the higher elevations. Casuarina woodland (cemara) takes over higher up and eventually these give way to an alpine flora above the treeline.
Lombok is East of the Wallace Line and some bird species with Australasian affinities are therefore apparent. These include honeyeaters, cockatoos and green hanging parrots, in addition to species whose heartland is to the West including tits, weavers and tailor-birds. Bird life can be difficult to observe here due to the density of the forest, though if you have patience and are practised at mimicry many species can be tempted out from cover � if you have the time to spare and the forebearance of your trekking partners.
The familiar long-tailed grey macaque (the Bali temple monkey) is common right up to the crater rim. Of much more interest is the rare ebony leaf monkey which inhabits these forests and whose soft hooting contact call often provides a soothing backdrop to the birdsong. Rusa deer and muntjacs are more often heard than seen.
Rinjani Trekking Package Information
Rinjani is best climbed during the April-November dry season. The trekking trails are generally closed during the rainy season. In recent years the early months of the �dry season� have become more prone to rain and you should be prepared to encounter heavy rain and low visibility with slippery tracks underfoot at any time, particularly in the afternoon.
It gets very cold on the mountain above 2,000 m and nears freezing at the summit. Warm clothing is an absolute must.
Most visitors arrive via the village of Senaru (600 m), on the northern side of the mountain and thus closer to the main resort areas of the west coast including Senggigi. The other possible entry point is Sembalun (1,150 m), on the eastern side, which is closer to the summit.
Serious trekkers should explore the options of staying on the mountain for 3 nights or more with a planned trek that takes in the crater rim, down to the lake shore, the absolute summit and more. Such treks normally start in either Senaru or Sambulan however in the last couple of years some other routes have opened including the Benang Stokel, Timbanuh and Torean routes. source wikitravel.

Crater Rim Senaru 2d-1n
Crater Rim – Lake 3d-2n
Crater Rim – Summit 3d-2n
Crater Rim – Summit 4d-3n
Crater Rim – Summit 5d-4n

Rim Senaru 2 Hari
Rim – Danau 3h-2m

Summit Rinjani 2d-1n
Summit – Lake 3d-2n
Summit – Lake 4d-3n
Summit – Lake 5d-4n

Puncak Rinjani 2 Hari
Puncak – Danau 3h-2m
Puncak – Danau 4h-3m

Mengatasi Penyakit Susah Tidur 085105224499 BB 52A88CF0

Mengatasi Penyakit Susah Tidur 085105224499 BB 52A88CF0. #HipnoterapiSurabaya membantu MENGATASI SULIT TIDUR, mengatasi susah tidur, mengatasi tidak bisa tidur, mengatasi susah tidur malam hari, mengatasi sulit tidur malam, mengatasi susah tidur malam, cara mengatasi insomnia, cara mengatasi susah tidur malam, cara menghadapi insomnia, cara menyembuhkan insomnia, mengatasi anak susah tidur, cara mengatasi bayi susah tidur, dll.

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Media Sugesti – 085105224499, BB 52A88CF0
Gubeng Kertajaya 7C No. 56, Surabaya

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Pasang Iklan Media Cetak

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