
Monthly Archives: January 2019

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Lowongan Sales & Marketing

Job description The role of the Sales & Marketing Associate is to help develop and execute the strategic sales and marketing plans for the key accounts of our firm. The key account sales and marketing plans will support and be derived from the Business Plan outlined by the Director of Sales and Marketing. The Sales & Marketing Associate will be responsible for managing all areas of our business relationships with the key accounts and will work closely with the various business departments in an effort to maintain and further develop the relationship with the key accounts. The Sales & Marketing Associate will manage the sales function to achieve strategic sales targets while working closely with the Marketing Department to provide integrated programs that support the sales effort. The Sales & Marketing Associate is the main contact with all key accounts and ithe liaison between the various business departments and the key accounts. The Manager reports directly to the Director of Sales and Marketing. Responsibility: • Meeting with customers and assessing their needs • Acquiring new accounts • Learning and understanding program knowledge • Customer service • Customer retention • Implementation of marketing & campaign plans, including product positioning, campaign development strategies, and market strategy insights. • Discovery of strategic business opportunities through cross function collaboration with sales, HR, etc. • Marketing opportunity for revenue • Provide product/service support in order to establish proper channels of information and communication. • Responsible for branding, advertising, company events and promotional collateral • Work with management on projects dealing with media relations, business communications, success stories • Develop and execute a sales and marketing plan for key accounts that meets or exceeds sales and margin targets • Provide regular interface with customers to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction • Provide regular sales reports to the Director of Sales and Marketing that accurately capture all sales activity • Seek out and communicate meaningful insights from key accounts and the market Skills: • Fluent in English both oral and written • Digital Marketing • Must have wide range of experience and understanding of the marketing including product positioning, pricing, promotions, market research, sales and distribution. • Should be a proactive self-starter with the ability to work independently. Need strong ability to set priorities, solve problems, and be resourceful under pressure. • Experience working with agency/client partners, exhibiting the ability to generate maximum return through effective marketing strategies and direction. • Advanced communication (written and verbal), organizational, and problem-solving skills • Strong interpersonal skills, including effective presentation and listening skills • Building and nurturing internal and external relationships • Solid understanding of core marketing principles • Multitasking Requirements: • Male / Female, max 27 years old • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Advertising or Journalism preferred, amd related field or the equivalent • Preferably from State Universities in Indonesia or foreign countries • Patient, responsible • Excellent in integrity • 1-5 years experiences in marketing management with proven success • Domicile Jakarta If you possess the above skills and can demonstrate proven effectiveness as a Sales & Marketing, please apply at https://bit.ly/2yX06A9

Open New Registration for New Students and Transfer

Sinergia Worldwide Education Open New Registration for New Students and Transfer Our programs: 1. Independent School : student learn at our center with our tutors 2. Homeschooling : student learn at home with our tutors 3. Learning Support : help students to learn the school material or exam preparation Program/Grade: 1. Preschool & Kindergarten 2. Primary & Secondary (Grade 1-8) 3. O Level/IGCSE (Grade 9-10) 4. AS & A Level (Grade 11-12) Methods: a. International certification b. Practical and experiential learning c. Arrange schedules as needed (3-4 times a week) d. Extracurricular : Art and Drilling math e. Communicative and suitable methods for each student For more information, please visit our center: STC Building, 2nd floor no. 51/54 Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Central Jakarta, 10270 (Next to Plaza Senayan/in front of Senayan City) Phone : 021-57931911 / 082260418532 / 081287693029 Facebook : Sinergia Education Email : info@sinergiaeducation.com Twitter : @sinergiajkt Line : @sinergiaeducation IG : @sinergiaeducation Website : www.sinergiaeducation.com

iklan anti rayap terpercaya hub: Mulyadi,081807846244

Hubungi Mulyadi Telpon: 0818.0784.6244 & 0856.1710.999 INFO : WASPADA! DENGAN PELAKSANA ANTI RAYAP & FUMIGASI PER-ORANGAN YANG TIDAK BER-IJIN RESMI & TIDAK BERTANGGUNGJAWAB! DAN BISA DIBUKTIKAN DENGAN “HARUS MEMBAWA DOKUMEN PERUSAHAAN ASLI” (“BUKAN FOTO COPY” & “ HATI-HATI DOKUMEN PALSU”!) CV. INCO NUSA ABADI , adalah Perusahaan Terpercaya yg bergerak dibidang : ( I.) ANTI RAYAP (Termite Control) : ♥ Team KAMI akan membasmi Hama Rayap sampai tuntas! Dengan metode perlindungan bangunan secara maksimal & menyeluruh menggunakan Bahan **** Anti Rayap yang Aman & Ramah Lingkungan, yaitu : PENCEGAHAN & MEMBUNUH HAMA RAYAP! Kami berikan Sertifikat Jaminan Anti Rayap Bermaterai 3 s/d 5 tahun. Bangunan Anda BEBAS HAMA RAYAP! Konsultasi & Survey Lokasi Gratis! HARGA BERSAING! BISA NEGOSIASI! Perusahaan Kami memiliki Ijin dari Suku Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta Pusat. Penjelasan Hama Rayap : (a.) Hama Rayap selain memakan/ merusak komponen bangunan yang terbuat dari Kayu, seperti : Kusen,Pintu,Jendela,Rangka Atap,Lemari,Kursi,Meja , dll . (b.) Hama Rayap juga memakan/ merusak suluruh bahan yang mengandug Celulose seperti : Semua Bahan yang terbuat dari kertas (Kardus , Buku , Dokumen,Majalah,Koran,dll.) dan Semua bahan yang terbuat dari Karet (Kertas,kabel listrik,kabel telpon,dll) . Lebih Baik Mencegah Kerusakan Bangunan Anda Akibat Serangan HAMA RAYAP Daripada ANDA Harus Menggantinya Dengan Yang Baru Dengan Biaya Mahal ! Kami Jamin Bangunan / Rumah ANDA Yang Indah Tidak Akan Rusak Dimakan Rayap . ( II.) FUMIGASI : Seterillisasi ruangan yaitu membunuh seluruh : tikus, kecoa, ngengat, kutu buku, virus penyakit dan semua Hama Insect (yang terlihat mata dan yang tidak terlihat mata). Pengalaman Kerja : 1. Anti Rayap di Perumahan Umum : Sunter Jaya,kelapa Gading,Pantai Indah Kapuk,Pulomas,Pondok Indah,Bintaro Jaya,BSD, dll. 2. Anti Rayap & Fumigasi di Perusaahan Swasta : Gudang PT. LOC Banten, Gudang PT. Bearing Indonesia Jakarta,Gudang, dll. 3. Anti Rayap & Fumigasi di Instansi Pemerintah : Dinas Dikmenti DKI Jakarta, Dinas Perumahan & Gedung Pemda DKI Jakarta,Laboratorium Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta,Mabes TNI, Mabes AD, Kanwil Bendahara DKI Jakarta,Bea Cukai, Kantor Pelayanan Pajak, Pertamina, dll. CV. INCO NUSA ABADI TELPON : 081807846244 ALAMAT : JL.PERCETAKAN NEGARA Blok B/21 Johar Baru JAKARTA PUSAT ( 10570 )

Karoseri Ambulance

Kami melayani pemesanan beragam jenis mobil ambulance dan peralatan aksesories ambulance. Menyediakan beragam mobil ambulance yang terdiri dari berbagai merk mobil yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan beragam pilihan type ambulance seperti deluxe,standar,economi dan jenazah sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Segera hubungi kami: CV.Ambulance PIntar Indonesia. Rizal 0857-70910-156 0853-1922-4067 email : izalspace@gmail.com rizal.ambulance@gmail.com website: www.dealer-ambulance.com blog: ambulancespace.blogspot.com


Penerimaan Siswa Baru PKBM Sinergia Program Paket A, B, dan C 1. Menerima siswa baru tingkat SD/ SMP/ SMA 2. Bimbingan belajar kelas dan Bimbingan belajar untuk persiapan Ujian nasional 3. Homeschooling kurikulum nasional (Ijazah resmi diknas) http://sinergia-homeschooling.com/ Kurikulum – Nasional Mata pelajaran Paket A 1. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2. Pendidikan Agama 3. Bahasa Indonesia 4. IPA 5. IPS Paket B 1. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2. Pendidikan Agama 3. Bahasa Indonesia 4. Bahasa Inggris 5. IPA 6. IPS Paket C 1. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2. Pendidikan Agama 3. Bahasa Indonesia 4. Bahasa Inggris 5. Fisika 6. Biologi 7. Kimia 8. Geografi 9. Sosiologi 10. Ekonomi Guru – guru dari PTN berkualitas: (UI, ITB, IT, UGM, UNPAD, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNJ, BINUS, UNTAR, UB, UM, UNESA, UNAIR, ITS) Informasi dan Pendaftaran : PKBM SINERGIA Jl Tanjung Barat Selatan No. 07 Rt. 001/ Rw. 02, Kelurahan Lenteng Agung, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan 12610 Telp : 021 – 22708196 HP : 082125513378

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Pasang Iklan Koran

Pasang Iklan Media Cetak

Iklan koran-Kolom-Display Seluruh Indonesia (kompas,poskota,media indonesia, koran jakarta, dll) :

Langkah pemasangan iklannya mudah

1. Visit ke http://media.pasangiklan.net
2. Isi materi iklan anda sesuai dengan jumlah baris yg anda inginkan
3. Setelah isi materi iklan, submit bisa daftar atau tanpa daftar
4. Konfirmasi Pembayaran
5. Iklan anda tayang sesuai dengan waktu yang anda pilih

Mudah kan? segera pasang iklan media cetak dengan mengklik link dibawah ini

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