Paket Menginap Di Hotel Nusa Penida
Nusa Penida adalah destinasi liburan untuk bersantai setelah lelah bekerja sepanjang minggu. Kami menyediakan paket menginap di hotel dan makan di restoran selain itu juga kami siapkan watersport (Banana Boat, Rolling Donut, Flying Board, Dan JetSki). Kami Jaminkan liburan anda di Nusa Penida, Pasti Puas.
Hub Kami Selengkapnya :
Email :
Telp :
Owner : I Putu Darmaya (08123950536)
Sales Marketing : Ketut Nadha (087888777743)
Caspla Beach Hotel
Pantai Buyuk – Nusa Penida – Klungkung
Bali – Indonesia
Dicari Marketing Hotel & Watersport
Dicari Tenaga Marketing Untuk memasarkan hotel ke tamu dan juga memasarkan produk jasa watersport di Nusa Penida
Dengan Spesifikasi :
– Wanita Berpenampilan Menarik
– Good Looking & Smart Thinking.
– Bisa Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Mandarin (Wajib)
– Berpengalaman & Berkomunikasi Dengan Baik
– Mampu Memasarkan hotel dan produk watersport di Nusa Penida
– Diutamakan Lokasi di Kota Denpasar
– Memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi
– Nilai plus apabila memahami wawasan hotel dan watersport
– Memiliki keinginan **** untuk belajar sesuatu yang baru
– Mampu bekerja secara Team work
– Memiliki wawasan & pergaulan yg luas.
Apabila berminat, silahkan kirimkan lamaran ke PT Caspla Bali Nusa Bahari
Jalan Pulau Moyo, Gg Cemara A No.4 Denpasar-Bali
Buka : Jam 8:00 – 17:00 atau hub lewat telpon.
Tlp : 087 888 777743
Email :
Atau Anda bisa kirimkan lamaran lewat email
Distributor Sparepart Motor – Hokitama Motor
Hai, Selamat datang di HOKITAMA_MOTOR –
kami menyediakan produk-produk Spare Part Motor Lokal, Thailand, Taiwan,
Jika anda sedang mencari spare part motor, kami telah menyediakan berbagai macam sparepart motor untuk anda.
Penawaran Peluang Usaha, Waralaba Usaha Spare Part Motor, Bengkel Sparepart Motor, Toko Spare Part Motor.
(kami juga melayani Grosir, Retail tanpa minimum pembelian seluruh Jabodetabek).
Kami menawarkan PELUANG USAHA yang memberikan Profit luar biasa dan harga yang bersaing di seluruh jabotabek!!!
waktu yg pas buat anda memulai membuka usaha saat ini, motor semakin banyak di indonesia!!
* Peluang Usaha:
– Distributor/Grosir netto minim 80jt – 150jt.
– Toko spare part/market bike shop/bengkel 40jt dengan disc 50% + extra disc.
– A: Apakah saya bisa order spare part sendiri dan menentukan budget sendiri? B: bisa pak.
– Cuci Motor 12jt / Cuci Mobil 35jt dengan menggunakan 1hidrolik 1snow wash 1kompresor + sabun2 dan canabo.
– Paket buka khusus ban motor 50jt + mesin.
– Paket tool kit tekiro japan 59set, kompresor, kunci ketok, kunci T, dll).
* dan kami juga Melayani Sales keliling/bengkel/toko spare part/eceran&grosir
– Sales pemakai motor (500ribu – 1jt)
– Sales pemakai mobil (5jt – 10 jt)
– Bengkel/spare part yg ingin menambah itemnya lagi (2jt-10jt)
– Grosir partai kecil/besar (10jt-25jt)
– dan beli satuan.
Kami menawarkan beberapa product (in quality of thailand) dengan harga murah, terjangkau, dan bagusss!! quality good & cheap price!!
Kami siap menjadi partner/rekan anda!! harapan yang besar bisa menjalin hubungan kerja sama yang baik dengan bapak/ibu,
atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan (terima kasih).
For more information
Contact Person: Mr. Willy
WA/line: 08561119717
Pin BB: 28c0be5a / 5b5e84ca
Facebook: hokitamamotor
NB: untuk pricelist bisa kami email paketan daftar harga2nya dan banyak hadiahnya dari kami, terima kasih.
Franchise Bimbel Balik Modal 1 Bulan
Mau punya usaha Pendidikan?
Dana Terbatas ?
LTC (Laputa Training Center) pilihan tepat usaha anda.
Fasilitas yang di berikan oleh LTC :
1. Pendampingan Usaha.
2. Modul (Bank Soal, Tryout, Latihan Soal, Materi, Soal UTS,UAS,Ulangan Harian) dan system Akademik (KBM,Absen,Jadwal,Laporan,Rapor Siswa).
3. Pendampingan Managemen (Perekrutan Karyawan, Training , dan Target Kinerja , Administrasi, Akademik, Marketing).
4. Penandatanganan Kerjasama di depan Notaris.
Syarat untuk menjadi Mitra :
1. Memiliki jiwa Entrepreneurship
2. Memiliki Modal yang Cukup.
3. Memiliki Tempat / Sewa 1 tahun pertama.
4. Sanggup menyediakan Inventaris Kantor dan Kelas.
Siapa yang akan mengelola cabang anda nantinya :
Yang akan mengelola cabang adalah Full Managemen LTC, jadi anda tidak perlu pusing dengan operasional kantor cabang, anda hanya di wajibkan menyediakan 1 rekening tabungan atas nama anda yang anda kelola sendiri sebagai Penampungan Pendapatan Usaha.
Berapa Lama balik modal nya ? Estimasi Paling cepat 1 Bulan – 4 Bulan.
Berapa Modal nya ? Hanya Rp.25juta.
Jika berminat hubungi Divisi Kemitraan LTC Hp.085876916607
Website : /
Kesempatan hanya berlaku sampai Tanggal 15 Desember 2016
Top 10 Best Tutorial Centers and Their Advantages in the Philippines
We have compiled a list of tutorial centers for you to choose from. We sorted our list from 10 to 1 based on services, training programs, affiliations and of course results. 1(one), being number 1(one) or the best of them of all, has been chosen as it complies with international standards of excellence, the list includes basic information or about us, address and website of each tutorial center. You can also find their contact details in case you want to know more about them. To help you make a decision, we have included testimonials from each individual tutorial center.
1. Eureka! Tutorials & Learning Center
The word “Eureka” was popularized by the Greek mathematician Archimedes. Eureka is a transliteration from the Greek equivalent “heúrka”, an interjection used to convey excitement brought by a sudden discovery. It means “I’ve found it!” and as the chosen name of tutorial center, the expression aptly communicates the joy and excitement that mentors in Eureka feel imparting knowledge to students.
Established in 2007 by Mr. Leonardo (known fondly by his students as Teacher A), Eureka has distinguished itself as a tutorial center with the most number of full-time professional tutors dedicated in the subtle Art of mentoring. As a result of years of mentoring, teachers in Eureka are able to mentor a wide array of students, including those who are enrolled in international curricula (K-12 system) such as the International Baccalaureate Program, the IGCSE, the AP Program, and other rigorous academic programs. With the recent migration of the Philippines’ educational system to the K-12, the expertise of teachers in Eureka ranks it as a one-of- a kind tutoring and mentoring center different from other academic centers. The Adaptive Method employed by mentors is able to measure the level of the students, observe their way of thinking, and devise the appropriate program suited for them.
Eureka offers Academic Training and College Entrance Test review programs for both local and foreign universities. Many of Eureka’s students have gained admission to the best universities in the Philippines such as UP, ADMU, DLSU, UST, MIT, as well as the famous universities abroad such as Harvard University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UCLA, McGill University (Canada), to name a few.
Highly acclaimed programs in Eureka include review for College Entrance Tests (UPCAT, ACET, DLSUCET, USTET), SAT Review Programs (both SAT 1 and SAT2), English Language Programs (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, TESOL), and NMAT Review.
To instruct and lead eager young minds as they grow in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man.
To help uplift the quality of academic tutoring and mentoring in the Philippines.
To be the best tutoring and mentoring center in the country.
Eureka belongs to an elite class of tutorial centers able to handle rigorous academiccurricula under the K-12 system (United Kingdom’s International Baccalaureate Program, the American Advanced Placement Program, and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education).
Word-of-mouth has proven to be Eureka’s best form of advertisement. Minimal advertising cost enables Eureka to provide quality tutorials at affordable rates.
Eureka currently mentors students from the US, UK, China, Korea, and Japanwith the help of platforms such as Facetime, Skype, Google+ Hangouts, and Facebook Video Chat. In addition, a digital board is used for Math tutorials. Locally, Eureka has students from different cities in Metro Manila as well as distance provinces such as Davao. Through Eureka! Online, students can now study using the Internet anytime, anywhere.