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pt pupuk seriwijaya
Dengan hormat
Kami PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kimia. Sehubungan dengan adanya kebutuhan karyawan di perusahaan kami, maka kami memohon bantuan dari pihak universitas/sekolah untuk menyebarluaskan informasi lowongan kerja yang ada di perusahaan kami kepada para alumni. Bersama surat ini, kami mengajukan permohonan pemasangan iklan lowongan kerja
Pusri adalah merupakan Salah Satu Perusahaan Terdepan Di Dunia , Dan Telah Menjadi Bagian Dari Anggota Masyarakat Indonesia Selama Lebih Dari 80 Tahun. Saat Ini Perusahaan Kami Membutuhkan Tenaga-Tenaga Berpengelaman Dan Juga Lulusan-Lulusan Baru Dari Berbagai Bidang Untuk Ditempatkan Di Wilayah Operasi , PT Pupuk Sriwijaya
Posisi yg di butuhkan:
1. Kepala Produksi (KS)
2. Staff Administrasi (SA)
3. Sekretaris (SKR)
4. Supervisior (SR)
5. Customer Service (CS)
Fasilitas :
Gaji Karywan Baru: IDR 9.500.000 Perbulan/Gaji Karyawan Menetap:IDR,11.500.000 Perbulan Seragam Uang Makan
-Pria/Wanita, Usia Max 30 tahun
-Pria, pengalaman Min 1 tahun (1,4,5)
-Pendidikan Min. D3 & S1 semua jurusan (1,4,5)
-Wanita ,pendidikan min. D3 semua jurusan/Fresh graduate (2,3)
-Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Min. Ms. Word & Excel) (1,2,3,4,5)
-Mampu berbahasa asing akan menjadi nilai tambah
-Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah kerja PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya
Alamat Surat, dsb:
Kelengakapan berkas lamaran :
1. Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
2. Foto Copy ijazah dan transkrip
3. Fotokopi KTP.
4. Pas Photo ukuran 4 x 6 cm
Cara Melamar:
Kirimkan Berkas lamaran anda lengkap Via Email ke:
-Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan kami proses
-Tuliskan nama posisi yang anda inginkan disubject Email
Charisse Abalos leads Mandaleños to a healthy lifestyle through �Zhumba Caravan�
Zhumba Caravan
What is the most fun way of combining cardiovascular workout with rhythmic dance and pop music? Ask Councilor Charisse and she will respond in two words – Zhumba Caravan!
This aerobic fitness program in Mandaluyong City is the brainchild of Miss Charisse. Inspired by the idea of Columbian choreographer, Alberto \”Beto\” Perez, who merged the South American music dance and cardio intervals with resistance training, she conceived this project to bring it to various communities in the Tiger City.
Leading by example, this fit and trim legislator visits a Barangay every Saturday morning and dance with its residents. Together, they all benefit by toning their muscles and losing their excess cellulite, while enjoying the vigorous moves of the world�s latest pop craze.
When asked about the objective of Zumba Caravan, Miss Abalos vivaciously replied, �This project aims to bring and increase awareness on health and wellness on to the different communities and barangays here in Mandaluyong.� While the intention is to educate the people regarding the positive effects of exercise on their general physical condition, she also added that this project �serves as an avenue where city residents can mingle and have fun together while dancing their way towards a healthy lifestyle.�
With easy-to-follow dance routines, the participants rise above the physical challenge of exercises. Within an hour of Zumba session, they work out longer, burn calories faster, and produce lots of endorphins. In no time, they achieve their body sculpting goals and end up as happier citizens.
So the next time you go to any public gym in Mandaluyong, and you see a lot of energetic people sweating out from aerobic exercises, and moving their bodies with the Latin beat, then you better join them and experience the Zumba fever!
Know more at, the official website of Councilor Charisse Abalos
Or call us at 02-5325001 loc. 578
Our office Address is 3F BOC Building, City Hall Compound, Maysilo Circle, Mandaluyong City 1550