
imports / import

coal, palm shell,energy, shipment,barges,money problem short term.

Our company is moving forward and rely on speed and quality … Your trust is the guarantee for our company that we always provide the best.
We have enterprises that have been registered since 1985. And we’ll keep it for the integrity of our company in the international and national…
Our main concern is in terms of energy, economic, and time, in this case coal, oil palm shells, gold, manganese, barges, ships, petroleum, and mineral water …
And our company has been cooperate with the government, group nike sports figures, and the company’s well-known international IT company apple,
The companies are cooperating with our company … just wants three things .. TIME, and QUALITY and TRUST …
With so … we go on to put forward all our assets for all our customers … and give all for them the best…

Other’s :
And we do not forget all that has been given by God to smooth our company, so we formed a company under the supervision of a major company to
assist and provide an opportunity for the people we are all in Indonesia which is beset by natural disasters, as well as the struggling school for children who do not have a cost, and have no place to live and provide free medical assistance for people who can not afford …
And we provide the opportunity for a customer or not our customers, if you want charity and reach out to help others .. we will distribute it to those who need it …
We will provide proof that you requested, before u gave your distribute until distribute been given to they who deserve and being choosen by u..

Mobile. :+6285289999913
Email. :nalendrasurengpati@yahoo.com
Website : http://tujuhbenua.blogspot.co.id/

Best and warms regards
Nalendra Sureng Pati
Vice president.


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