
Tag:nightvision bushnell 260224

Jual Teropong malam nightvision bushnell 260224

Bushnell Night Vision 2×24 Night Watch Monocular 260224 is a durable and flexible Night Vision scope with 2x magnification, a rubber-armored grip, a built-in tripod mountimage and and a built-in IR illuminator. There’s no telling how you will react when faced with what lurks after dark, but with Bushnell NightVision Night Watch 2x 24 Generation 1 Monocular with Built-In I.R. Illuminator, time will never again dictate your hours of operation. These Bushnell Night Vision Optics turn night into day with its built-in infrared illuminator and advanced light-gathering technology. The Bushnell NightVision 2×24 NightWatch Monocular is perfect for camping, caving, wildlife observation, surveillance – any time or place you need to be ready, Bushnell is there.

Night Vision uses:

Scouting game
Security and surveillance
Camping fun
Exploring caves
Nighttime navigation
Night fishing and boating
Wildlife observation
Search and rescue

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