
www.kokomogilit.com www.beachhousegilit.com

URGENTLY REQUIRED The Beach House Resort and its’ Sister resort Ko Ko Mo Resort are located on the island of Gili Trawangan, Lombok, are looking for a ;

Chief Engineer
Requirements are: Minimum 5 years of hands on mechanical and electrical experience. Knowledge of large generators, adequate English skills.
Job description : maintenance, repair, overhauling, diagnostic and electrical testing of power generators and motors. Knowledge of AC, Plumbing, Electric, Hot Water and Office Equipment.
Candidate must be able to organize and control his team of engineers and carpenters and be well prepared in reporting responsibilities. Must be able to work under pressure with flexible hour, multitasking, be self motivated, and have good cooperation/communication in team work.
If you are interested, please send your CV, copy of resume and photo to: marksihombing25@gmail.com and cc to mattgilit@ozemail.com.au


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